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Kings Norton Chapter C4001 - Monday 11th March 2024

February 26, 2024

From the Provincial Grand Chapter of Worcestershire
Companions you are all invited to the First Performance anywhere in the UK

The Building of the Temple  

Monday 11 March 2024

Kings Heath Freemasons Hall

6:00 pm start
The Building of the Temple is an important new work commissionedby the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent E. Comp. John Phenix, specifically for Royal Arch Masons of all levels from recent Exaltees to the most experienced Past Principals and Provincial Officers.

You will not have seen this before.

It isn’t a re-working of anything that’s been done before but a completely new Royal Arch presentation, being seen for the first time anywhere in the UK.

We will be honoured by the attendance of the Most Excellent Grand Supt and his fellow Rulers, who would appreciate your support for this important event.

You won’t want to miss it, so book in now to reserve your place by emailing the Scribe E of Kings Norton Chapter: