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Lechmere-Hughes Volunteer C1874


· Events

The next and 417th Regular Convocation of the Chapter will be held at Kings Heath Freemasons’ Hall, 221 Alcester Road South, Kings Heath,Birmingham B14 6DT, on the date shown.

The main items on the Agenda are:

a) To Proclaim, as Joshua for the forthcoming year, E.Comp T.Dean PPrGSoj

b) To invest Officers not present at the Installation Convocation.

c) To present a Supreme Council Certificate to Comp.R.Singh.

d) To ballot for, as a joining member, E.Comp. Robert John Fernyhough, a

Past MEZ of the Chapter of the Round Table No.7961; proposed in openChapter on Thursday 23rd November 2023, by E.Comp. M.Preece andseconded by E.Comp. R.S.Gale.

Visiting Companions will be made most welcome. Please contact the Chapter Scribe E.