Wednesday 19th June saw some 69 Companions of the Province and their Visitors .convene in Number 1 Lodge Room at Kings Heath to witness the Past Grand Superintendent, E. Comp. Colin P T Brown, in his role as MEZ, Install his successor E. Comp. John Gaston, PPrGSN into the Chair. This was followed by the Installation of E. Comp. Eric Bourne, PAGSoj as H and E. Comp. Gerry Jinks, PPrGSN, CM as J.
There is no doubt that this was an exceptionally well worked Ceremony and much credit must go to the Provincial DC E. Comp. Tim Jones, PGStB and the Chapter DC E. Comp. Steve Middleditch, PPrGSN for their preparatory work.
It was commented that this is the "Premier Chapter" in the Province and there is no doubt that based on this Convocation that title was not misused.
An excellent night all round complimented by a very good Festive Board.and over £300 raised for the Prov RACharity Fund for distribution to the Craft 2022 Festival.