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White Ensign Chapter C9169

Installation Convocation 03/12/2019


Another night of sheer enjoyment with a strong nautical flavour both in the Temple and on the Mess Deck on completion.

Some 26 Companions were on board, including 18 members of the Crew, and 8 Taking Passage, to celebrate the 20th Installation Convocation. Those on board included the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent John M Phenix, (an Honorary Member),the Acting 2nd Prov. Grand Principal, E. Comp. Ian M Fothergill, PGStB, PProvGJ, LGCR, (the Founder MEZ), and the 3rd Prov. Grand Principal, E. Comp. Barry J Griffin, PGStB, all very ably escorted by E. Comp. Tim L. Jones, PGStB.

Unfortunately the MEZ Designate has just been discharged from Sick Bay and will therefore not take command until our June Convocation (04/06/2020). This left E. Comp. Frank Walters, PPrAGDC, on the Bridge assisted by the Installation of E. Comp. Martin Green as H and the Induction of E. Comp. Len Venables, ProvGSwdB, J.

Following the Convocation the ships company retired to the Mess Deck for an excellent meal and where the Alms Collection inclusive of Gift Aid raised £136.25.