This was a very special evening for the Chapter – an Exaltation and a 50 Year Certificate!
There were approximately 50 Companions in attendance – 25 Members and 25 Visitors.
The Visitors included the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E.Comp. John Michael Phenix, accompanied by his Deputy, the Second Provincial Principal, the Provincial Director of Ceremonies, the Provincial Scribe E and other Provincial Officers. In addition to these Companions, two Past MEGS were in attendance – Richard B W Price and Colin P T Brown – together with Past Deputy Geoff Weston, Past Second Richard Hoare and Past Third Bill Sherlock.
Bro. Gareth Way, a Tattoo Artist and Member of Ribbesford Lodge No. 6904, (pictured above in the White Robe), was exalted in an exemplary manner by the M.E.Z., E.Comp. Simon Rogers, with E.Comp. Peter Simner giving all present a perfect example of the Principal Sojourner’s work. The Mystical Lecture was perfectly presented by E.Comp. Tim Woolridge, assisted by E.Comp. Trevor Popham. We are unlikely to see a better Exaltation – a pleasure to behold.
Thereafter a 50 Year Certificate was presented to E.Comp. Dr. Richard N Hoare by the MEGS, E.Comp. John M Phenix – who had known E.Comp. Richard for many years and related amusing outings together when he had been Provincial ADC and DC. Prior to this, E.Comp. Tim Woolridge, had given a very full description of E.Comp. Richard’s career in the Chapter. E.Comp. Richard was obviously quite moved by the occasion – but was nevertheless able to amuse the Companions at the Festive Board with several happy memories of his 50 years in the Royal Arch.
Altogether a wonderful evening enjoyed by all present which will remain in their memories for a very long time.