On Tuesday 6th September, with some 14 Members of the Crew and 6 Visitors "Taking Passage" on board, the Chapter were delighted to have the opportunity to hold an Exaltation Ceremony, which they had not managed to do for some 4 years.
It was unfortunate that the MEZ was unable to attend, as his father had recently passed to the Grand Chapter above, so at relatively short notice, the Founder MEZ, E. Comp. Ian Fothergill, PAGSoj, PPrGJ, was invited to take the Chair. This provided him with what has to be a unique opportunity, given that he had Initiated, Passed and Raised Bro. Paul Tuckley in White Ensign Lodge, and now had the privilege of Exalting him into the Chapter.
With excellent support from E. Comp. Paul Breinkworth, PPrGStwd, as Principal Sojourner and the Chapter Officers, the Ceremony was conducted to a very good standard, further enhanced by the Presentation of the Mystical Lecture by E. Comp. Barry Griffin, PGStB, PPrGJ, in an exemplary manner.
On completion of Daily Orders, the assembled Ship's Company retired to the Mess Deck and enjoyed a very convivial and pleasant meal, during which the Alms Collection raised £137.00.
Lights Out was declared at 22:00 and brought to an end a first class Royal Arch Convocation.