The May meeting of Semper Fidelis Royal Arch Chapter was memorable for its wonderful atmosphere, an excellent Exaltation of ( now ) Companion Virdell Francis, a member of Wyche Lodge, and a successful raid by six members of The Chapter of Stability from Stourbridge to lift the Worcestershire Provincial Travelling Sceptre.
Worcesterwas besieged by traffic from all directions on a beautiful Thursdayevening but once inside the calm setting of the temple at Rainbow Hill, the Masonic Chain swung into action and a seamless performance from the members and one or two guests carried out work that was dramatic and sincere with the Candidate later confirming in his response to his Toast that he had absolutely been blown away by the ceremony. This was an allegoricalreference and all present enjoyed the symbolism.
Three or more members of another Worcestershire Chapter are eligible to visit the Chapter of Stability and carry out a similar coup. The next meeting is on the THIRD Thursday in October and you will be made most welcome when an Exaltation is planned to take place.
Updated Rules; The Sceptre was first presented to Brandwood Chapter No.7679 at Kings Heath on Monday 14th October 2019. A “Raiding Party” from Semper Fidelis Chapter C529, attended Brandwood’s December 2019 Convocation and took possession. In order to ensure this initiative is regenerated the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, together with his Executive Team, have decided to refocus the rules.
This now meaning that the “Holding” Chapter has the responsibility of finding a successor and contacting them so that suitable arrangements for a visit can be made. The selected Chapter MUST NOT be located in the same Masonic Hall so the Sceptre will travel. Secondly the new Holders are Not Allowed to hold the Sceptre for more than 3 months, (Summer Break excluding) and must therefore arrange either to visit or receive a visit from another Chapter within that timeframe.
It is sincerely hoped that by making this subtle change we can really encourage inter-visitation around the Province, rather than have a parochial approach.
Any Chapter who would like to participate in this scheme can make application to the “Holding”Chapter and all Holders both Past and Present will be entered on a Roll of Honour.