On Friday 17th December the MEGS was joined by 48 Companions to enjoy the Final Chapter Chat of the Year.Some were attired in their Christmas Jumpers and one individual, not being sure of the time of the year, was ready for Hogmanay as well!!
Following his introduction the MEGS handed over to our Provincial "Sin Bosun" ,E. Comp. Rev'd Justin Parker, who, in his own unique and inimitable style, delivered his well constructed Christmas Message, based on the theme of "Nostalgia", which certainly had the assembled Convocation thinking of their own past.
Giving everyone the opportunity to partake of liquid refreshment and a nibble at a mince pie, there followed a Petition to Absent Brethren, and then we "suffered" yet another of the MEGS infamous Quizes, with the usual outcome of no one scoring top marks.
However, it was a great pleasure to take part and enjoy the camaraderie, even if remotely, and to hope and pray that the current Omicron variant will not prevent us resuming our Royal Arch duties in the New Year.
Finally may I as the Editor wish all our readers a Happy Christmas and a Healthy, Prosperous and Royal Arch rewarding New Year.