The Chapter of Hope and Charity met on 13th September at Kidderminster Masonic Centre . Accomapnied by the sound of leather hitting willow ( a cricket match was nearing it is conclusion as we opened ) we enjoyed a spectacle of Royal Arch Masonry.
E Comp Colin Yound inducted E Comp Charles Dyer as Zerrubabel and E Comp Cec Carris inducted E Comp Jim Mulliagan as Joshua . The meeting was enhanced by the company of E Comp Stephen Wyer and E Comp Colin Bown amongst many other distinguished Comapnions present in particular Comp Peter Jones making his Royal Arch visit to another Chapter following his exalation into St Michaels Chapter Tenbury in March of this year.
The festive board was of the usual high quality with happiness and good company enjoyed by all present . A great way to welcome back Royal Arch Masonry following the summer recess.