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St. Wulstan's C280

Installation Meeting 10/04/2024

April 10, 2024

The 6795th Convocation of the Chapter and the Annual Installation will take place at the Masonic Hall, Rainbow Hill, Worcester on the date detailed above.

This is not only a significant meeting for the Chapter it is also the Final Convocation being Presided over by our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E. Comp. John Phenix.

Given this, it is to be hoped that the Grand and Provincial Officers and members of the Province will show their full support and make this a "bumper" event.

The Main Items of Business are:

To Read the Minutes of a Convocation held one hundred years ago.

To Present a Supreme Grand Chapter Certificate to Comp. Michael A. McDonald.

To Install the Three Principals for the ensuing year. As M.E.Z. - E.Comp. K. G. Hall, H - E.Comp. W. J. Hoe, and as J - Comp. D. C. Boorn

The Three Principals to appoint and invest their Officers.

To entrust the I.P.Z. with the heirloom of the Chapter.

To present a Past Z's Jewel to E.Comp. D. M. Morgan.

This is expected to be a very well attended meeting so please, to ensure your place and to book a seat at the Festive Board, contact the Chapter Scribe E. E. Comp. Royston Foster, PGStdB, ProvGReg.