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St. Wulstan Chapter C 280

Regular Convocation 14/02/2024

February 14, 2024

The next Regular Convocation will take place at The Masonic Centre, Rainbow Hill, Worcester on the date shown.

To Read the Minutes of a Convocation held one hundred years ago.

To Present a Supreme Grand Chapter Certificate to Comp. Michael A. McDonald.

To Receive the Symbolical Lecture.

8. To Elect the Three Principals and the Treasurer for the ensuing year

As First Principal E. Comp. K. G. Hall, as Second Principal EComp. W. J. Hoe

as Third Principal Comp. D. C. Boorn, and as Treasurer Comp. R. A. Hemmings

Subject to Rule 48 (RA) Book of Constitutions these named companions will be declared elected unless a ballot is demanded.

To conduct the remainign Elections.

Visitors can expect a warm welcome to this the oldest Chapter in the Province.