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St. Edburgha Chapter C4621

Installation Convocation 18/11/2023

November 18, 2023

The Chapter Installation Convocation will tyake place at Freemasons Hall, Kings Heath on Saturday 18th November commencoing at 11:00.

The main items on the Agenda are a) To Ballot for a Joining Member, E. Comp. K. A. Prescott b) To Install]Induct the Principals as follws:

As MEZ E. Comp. P. C. Hartley, as H, E. Comp. R. J. Davies, PPRGReg and as J Comp. J. A. Dalton.

The Principals will then appoint an d invest their Officers.

This is an ideal opportunity for those who find it difficult to attend to their Royal Arch duties during the week. Being a morning meeting followed by Lunch it means that Saturday afternoon and evening are free.

The Chapter would be delighted to receive Visitors please contact the Chapter Scribe E.

The3 Principals of Worcestershire Installed First Principals Chapter No 6889 are
pleased and proud to announce that the Chapter will be hosting a presentation
by Companions from the Metropolitan Grand Chapter entitled:

“The Royal Arch in Camera –Your Chapter in Focus”

Thepresentation lasts about 30 minutes and is given by several approved presenters
from Metropolitan Grand Chapter.

Thismeeting and presentation is open to all Royal Arch companions regardless of
rank and we hope to welcome everyone from the most recent Exaltee to the most
senior Officers of the Province and Supreme Grand Chapter. Visitors from other
Chapters will be especially welcome.

Theperformance takes the Companions in a dramatic way through the offices in the
Chapter, with descriptions of the characters represented and their background
history, including the relationship to the Ceremony of the Veils. Guidance is
also given on the protocols and procedures that should be observed, and some of
the symbolism in the R A story is also covered.

The Royal Arch in Camera –Your Chapter in Focus

Willbe held on Saturday 11th November 2023 at Worcester Masonic Hall,Rainbow Hill, Worcester, WR3 8LX, commencing at 10.45 am prompt.