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St. Edburgha C4621

Saturday 16th March 2024

March 16, 2024

The 316th Regular Convocation of the Chapter will take place at Kings Heath Freemasons Hall, 221 Alcester Road South, Birmingham, B14 6DT, on the date shown commencing at 11:00am.

The Main items of LABOUR for the Convocation are:

a) A eulogy for D E Timms P Prov GSN by E Comp. R.A. Rowbury PProv GSwdB to be given by E.Comp M.D. Cox, PGSwdB Provincial Deputy Grand Superintendent .

b) E.Comp. J. Dalton will present the Historical Lecture .

c) A lecture from the Solomon website will be presented by E.Comp. J . C. Wright, PProvGSN.

Visitors will be made extremely welcome to enjoy a Saturday morning meeting followed by a Festive Board. Please contact the Chapter Scribe E.