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Royal Standard Chapter C498

Convocation 19th February 2024

February 26, 2024

A really happy Convocation – three Inductions.

The highlight of the evening being a 50 Year Certificate presented to Mike Simpson, PGStdB, Past Third Provincial Grand Principal.

SE, Darron Pinnell, read the Minutes from the Convocation when Mike was Exalted (actually 53 years ago – delay due to Covid). Interesting to hear the names of Companions some of us had known. Mike Somauroo then gave an interesting personal history. Our MEGS, John Phenix, then spoke kindly about Mike and presented the Certificate to him – together with a personal gift of a 50 Year Lapel Badge.
Interesting to have 8 Past or Current Provincial Third Principalspresent – Mike Simpson (2004), Michael Cox (2010), Ian Fothergill (2012), David
Bell (2013), John Phenix (2014), John Crowther (2017), Keith Evans (2021 &
2022) and Steve Middleditch (2023). Other Visitors were Kevin Bryant
(Prov.Prin.Soj.), Ken Hingley and Mark Mosley.

Good to hear that they have an Exaltee and a Joining Member.