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Royal Standard Chapter C498

Installation Convocation 27/02/2020


Some 15 Companions were in attendance at Wellington Road for this, the Chapters last Installation Convocation to be held at this location.

The Provincial Team comprised the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E. Comp. John M Phenix, accompanied by E. Comp. John Crowther, PGStB, .acting as 2nd Prov Grand Principal for the last time and E. Comp. Barry Griffin, PGStB, ably escorted by E. Comp. D R Shrimpton, ProvADC.

The Principals and Officers were all Proclaimed/Appointed for a 2nd year in Office. This to facilitate the Chapters proposed move to the new Masonic Hall in Stourbridge, where their Feeder Lodges, Royal Standard and Old Dudleian have already taken the decision to move to that location. 

Whilst a small Chapter in numbers they are determined to continue and the move will hopefully be the dawn of a new era for them.