On Thursday 1st October the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent and his Senior Team met at Kidderminster Masonic Hall, in accordance with Government and UGLE/SGC guidelines, to conduct the Annual General Convocation of Provincial Grand Chapter, which had been held over since April.
The MEGS had pleasure in re-appointing E. Comps: Michael D. Cox, PGSwdB, as Deputy Grand Superintendent, A. John Yeates, PGStdB, as Second and Barry J Griffin as Third Provincial Grand Principals.
He also confirmed the Provincial Appointments and Promotions that had been awarded in April.
To form the quorate E. Comps: Brian R Harper, PGStdB, ProvGSE, Timothy M L Jones, PGStdB, ProvDC, and Cecil, G, Cariss, PGStdB, PastPrGSE also attended.
The Convocation confirmed all of the administrative matters that had to be dealt with in accordance with the Summons.