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Page Chapter C3378

Exaltation Ceremony 06/12/2019


This was another special evening for Page Chapter – an Exaltation is always an important event.

There were approximately 25 Companions in attendance – 24 Members and 1 Visitor.

The Visitor was the Third Provincial Grand Principal, E.Comp. Barry Griffin, PGStB.

Bro. Hugh Martyr, a Member of Musket, Pike and Drum Lodge No. 9906, (pictured above), was exalted in an exemplary manner by the IPZ, E.Comp. Barry Benge. Comp. Steven Hunt gave all present a perfect example of the Principal Sojourner’s work: it was most impressive. The Mystical Lecture was perfectly presented by E.Comp. John Harmshaw, ably assisted by E.Comps. Bill Mason and David Dey and Companion Lawrence Hatfield. 

We have seldom seen a better Exaltation – it was a pleasure to be a witness. Altogether it was a wonderful evening enjoyed by all present