"On Thursday 27th August members of The Page Chapter No. 3378 were invited to attend an "informal gathering" of the Chapter in the car park at Rainbow Hill on the day that the Chapter was Consecrated, 100 years ago. Sadly like most things Masonic, the formal Centennial celebrations had to be postponed due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, but the membership were keen to mark the occasion.
Despite a day of torrential rain, at 6pm the sun was at its greatest altitude and managed to dart its' rays with meridian splendour on the assembled Companions just in time to hear E Comp Barry Benge give a brief précis of the history of the Chapter and our founder and Past MEGS of Worcestershire, E Comp William Thomas Page, to be followed by a toast to the Chapter given by our MEZ, E Comp Michael Pearman and a sampling of the cake “he” himself had made…or so he said !
So not quite what the Chapter had envisaged to celebrate its’ Centenary on the day but a very pleasant hour spent in great Company and still with the main event to come, when we are so permitted.