To all Subscribing Royal Arch Masons – Worcestershire Province
Dear Companions,
Before providing information on Chapter Chat No 5 we must apologise most profusely to those Companions who were unable to gain access to Chapter Chat No 4 on January 22nd.
We always hoped that the lure of the dulcet tones of E Companion Joseph Marzouk and his ever enthralling topics would prove powerful, but to exceed 100 participants was beyond our wildest expectations.
Consequently for Chapter Chat No 5 on Friday 19th February, when our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent has lined up yet another distinguished Freemason, we are pleased to advise that the participation level has been increased to a maximum of 300.
Why such optimism? I hear you say, well wonder no more because………
Our very special next Chapter Chat guest is

Most Worshipful Brother Christine Chapman
The Most Worshipful Grand Master of The Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons
Who will present a talk entitled “Women in Blue”
On this occasion the talk is open to everyone including Brethren and Ladies, so spread the word far and wide - Companions, Brethren, Wives, Partners, Girlfriends all welcome and the ladies do not have to be lady Freemasons to join in.
So please make a note of the date and time - Friday 19th February 2021 at 8.00 pm
The link for the meeting has already been issued by the Scribe E if you are not in possession please contact him direct for the details.
Look forward to seeing you there.
Sincerely and fraternally
Brian Harper PGStdB
Provincial Grand Scribe E