On Wednesday 9th May Merston Culy held their Installation Convocation at Kings Heath. The relatively small attendance reflected on the fact that the Worcester Installed Masters Lodge were meeting in No. 1 Lodge Room.
The evening however went very well and included one of the most rapid promotions, (45 Minutes), known in the Royal Arch in Worcestershire when Comp. K Sheen was balloted for as a Joining member from Trinity Chapter and then declared elected as Third Principal Elect.
In a very good ceremony the assembled Companions witnessed E. Comp. M Adams Installed as Z, E. Comp. C A Smith, P.Pr.G.Std.B., H and Comp. K Sheen as J.
The Provincial team comprising E. Comp's. John M Phenix, P.A.G.Soj., DepGS, A John Yeates, P.G.Std.B., Prov. 2nd Grand Principal and Ian M Fothergill, P.G.Std.B., PPrGJ, acting as 3rd Prov Grand Principal under the watchful eye of E. Comp. D. Emery Prov.Dep.D.C.
It is very satisfying to know that with the closure of Trinity Chapter several of the former members are joining Merston Culy and it is to be hoped that they will also have an Exaltee coming forward in the coming year.