With some 20 Companions in attendance, including the Deputy Grand Superintendent, E. Comp. Mike Cox, PGSwdB, with E. Comp's Derek Owen, PGStB and Barry Griffin, PGStB, escorted by E. Comp. Mike Lang, PrAGDC, representing the Province, the Chapter convened to conduct the Annualk Installation and Investiture of Officers.
Unfortunately only the Z Elect could be Installed as both H and J were unavailable and will need to be Installed at the next Convocation.
The Acting Second Grand Principal is also the Chapter Scribe E and ensured the Convocation went as smoothly as possible given the circumstances.
On Closing the Companions retired to the Festive Board and the sum of £120,00 was raised and donated to a Kings Heath Mental Health Charity via the ProvRACharityFund.