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Linwood Chapter of Research C9362

Invitation to October Convocation

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Dear Companions,


At the last convocation of Peace and Harmony Chapter, I mentioned Linwood Chapter, No. 9632 that meets at Knowle in Warwickshire.


Linwood is the only Research Chapter in the English Constitution and, whilst proud to be a Warwickshire Chapter, we aim to be viewed as an asset for Royal Masonry in the Midlands more generally. We hope to attract members and visitors from our various Provinces and you may be interested in our next convocation on Wednesday 10th October.


Our speaker will be E.Comp. Rev. Justin Parker, P.G.Std.B., Prov.G.J. (Worcs.) who hopes to join Peace and Harmony Chapter at our November convocation. Justin will be speaking on “What we have Lost and Why.” I understand that this will not only provide an explanation of some of our ritual, furnishings and historical context, but also what of this we lost at the Union of the two Grand Lodges in 1813, especially our Christian content. As a vicar with 7 Benefices, Justin must be well qualified to comment in this area!


If you would like to attend and dine, please contact our Scribe E, E.Comp. John Campbell. Other visitors from your Provinces, interested not just in the talk, but also learning a little more about Linwood, will of course be most welcome.


For those who have not visited Knowle Masonic Centre before, the easiest route is to J5 of the M42, exiting and taking the A4177 signposted to Knowle. After 3/4 mile, go over a roundabout and KMC is well sign-posted 300 yards on your left, just past the Royal British Legion. If you reach the Wilson’s Arms pub you have gone 50 yards too far.