.On Thursday 28th February, over 50 Companions were in attendance in No 1 Room at Kings Heath, which included the PGM, together with the Provincial Team comprising E, Comp. J. M Phenix, PAGSoj, DepGS in Charge, with the Second and Third Provincial Grand Principals, E. Comp's A J Yeates, PGStB,ProvH, and J. T. Parker, PGStdB, Prov J, escorted by the Provincial DC E. Comp. T. M. L. Jones, PGStdB.
The Meeting not only celebrated their Centenary, but also witnessed the Exaltation of Comp. J. Stone and the presentation of a 50 Year Certificate to E. Comp. L. S. Powell, PPrGSN, for his services to the Order which was indeed unique given that he had received his SGC Certificate as a Comp. on the night of the Chapter's 50th Anniversary.
As is his custom the Third Prov. Grand Principal delivered the Centenary Oration in his usual erudite fashion.
The whole occasion proved to be very successful.