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Lapal Chapter C4001

Regular Convocation 8th Mar 2024

March 8, 2024

The next Regular Convocation will be held at the Masonic Hall, Newfields,Furnace Lane, Halesowen B63 3LU

The main items of Business are:

a)To receive the Historical Lecture

b) To ballot for as an Honorary Member of Lapal Chapter No.6031 Comp D J L Allen proposed in open Chapter on 12th January 2024 by E Comp P S Hannah JP. PPrGReg and seconded by E Comp A J Hill IPZ PPrGStB

After the Chapter is closed there will be a talk on the history and future of
Dudley No 2 Canal also known as the Lapal Canal. This talk is open to non-Royal Arch masons as will the non-formal meal which follows the talk.

Both Craft Masons and Companions are welcome to join the talk and enjoy the Festive Board which follows. Please contact the Chapter Scribe E.