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Kings Norton Chapter No. 4001

Celebrate 50 years


On Wednesday .9th January the Chapter celebrated it's 50th Birthday with an excellent attendance.

Supporting the Chapter Membership of 9 were 9 Provincial Officers, 8 Grand Officers, 1 Visitor and the Provincial Team comprising, E. Comp. John M Phenix, PAGSoj,Deputy Grand Superintendent in Charge,, E. Comp. Michael D Cox, PAGSoj, the Deputy Grand Superintendent designate, and E. Comp. John H Crowther, PGStdB, PastPrGJ all under the guidance of E. Comp. M. J. Hadden, Prov. Dep. DC.


The Chapter also welcomed one of it's Members, the Past MEGS. E. Comp. Colin P T Brown.


An excellent evening was enjoyed by all present and a substantial Charity collection was donated to the Provincial Royal Arch Charity Fund.