Saturday 10th November proved to be a very Informative Day at C6889.
The Convocation commenced with a suitable Act of Remembrance marking the 100th Anniversary of the Guns falling silent on the Western Front.
During the Meeting , the MEZ, acting in his capacity of Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, presented a cheque for £10,000 on behalf of the Province as an Initial Instalment towards the Craft 2022 Festival.
He then surprised everyone with the Presentation of 2 Certificates of Merit: a highly prized and privileged award: to E. Comp. Michael J Bartels, PPrGSN and Dr. Charles M Gwynn, Prov Almoner, OStJ, TD, PPrGSN. Their Masonic CV's fully justifying their award.
At the end of the Meeting the Companions were entertained by a very interesting talk by the Third Provincial Grand Principal, Rev'd Justin T Parker, PGStB, entitled "The Musings of a Country Vicar"
This was followed at the Festive Board, not only with the Annual announcement of the new Provincial Third Grand Principal, E. Comp. Barry J Griffin, PGStB, but the Deputy Grand Superintendent, who is to become the Deputy in Charge from 1st January 2019, and later installed as MEGS, announced the appointment of E. Comp. Michael D Cox, PAGSoj, as his Deputy.