On Friday 19th March some 84 Companions logged in to the latest in the series of Chapter Chats hosted by the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent.
This meeting proved extremely significant in that we had the honour and privilege of welcoming the Third Grand Principal, Most Excellent Companion Gareth Jones, OBE, who provided an very interesting insight into his role and duties as the Third Grand Principal. On completion he readily took questions and again provided forthright answers.
On completion of his talk and following the MEGS giving him a vote of thanks it was met with silent acclaim seeing as all the Companions were muted.
We were then once again entertained to what has now become known as the MEGS Infamous Quiz, which, again he clearly won, the best score being 80%.
These Chats are an important facet of the Provinces desire to ensure we maintain communication and all Companions are welcome to attend.