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Francis Burgess C9287

Thursday 28th March 2024

March 28, 2024

The next regular Convocation of the Chapter will held at Northfield Masonic Hall, 641, Bristol Road South, Birmingham B31 2JS on the date shown.

The main items on the Agenda are:

To receive the Mystical Lecture, presented by E. Comp Ken Wood, E. Comp Peter Groom and E. Comp Joe Tildesley.

Pursuant to the provisions of Rule 105 (a) Book of Constitutions and subject to no other member being duly qualified, having indicated to the Scribe E that he wishes to be considered and no other member calls for a ballot, the MEZ will declare as Principals Elect: As MEZ E. Comp M Cooper, H E. Comp D J Shepherd, and J Comp P Dobb.

Pursuant to the Provisions of Rule 112(a) Book of Constitutions and subject to no other member being duly qualified, having indicated to the Scribe E that he wishes to be considered and no other member calls for a ballot, the MEZ will declare E. Comp C J Blake, PProvGSoj, as Treasurer Elect.

To empower the Principals Elect to appoint the remainder of the Officers for the ensuing year.

To conduct such other ballots and appointments as required.

Visiting Companions will be warmly welcomed to Northfield. Please contact the Chapter Scribe E.