With some 23 Companions in attendance, including the Provincial Team led be E. Comp. Mike. D. Cox, PGSwdB, Dep Grand Supt, accompanied by E. Comp's A. John Yeates, PAGSoj, and Derek W. Owen, PGStB, escorted by E. Comp. Tim M. L. Jones, PGStB, Prov DC, enjoyed what has become a rarity due to the prevailing Covid situation of seeing a new team of Principals Installed into the Chapter. Our picture also shows E. Comp. Phil Gough, PGSwdB, Dep Grand Supt. (Warks), who is a member of the Chapter.
At the Festive Board the Alms collection raised an excellent sum of £105 + Gift Aid which is to be donated to the 2022 Festival via the Provincial Royal Arch Charity Fund.