Companions will be well aware that at all Installation Convocations the Presiding Officer will mention the Provincial Grand Chapter Charity Fund and the need to receive requests from Chapters and Companions who wish to support the small local Charities where £500 - £1,000 will make a considerable difference. To provide you with some ideas of how this money is allocated and spent we publish those donations that have been made since March of this year.
In March the Deputy Grand Superintendent was pleased to present a cheque for £500 from the Provincial Grand Chapter Charity Fund to Muddy Boots Ground Care.

The Dep Grand Supt E.Comp Mike Taylor is seen here with E.Comps Paul Masters & Mike Wakeman along with the Muddy Boots Team.
From a request by E. Comp. Peter Davies of Vernon Chapter a donation of £400 was made to Wyre Forest CAB in April to Kate Bennett, Manager of the Kidderminster based CAB by E. Comp. John Yeates. The Second Provincial Grand Principal.

Whilst much of the CAB budget is funded by County & District Councils the cumulative effect of cuts has created a deficit to its finances of over £13,000. This totally independent advice centre has a constant requirement to train new volunteers to obtain the necessary skills to continue its growing requirement in the Province.
The Albert Middleton Community Association sits close to Kings Heath Masonic Hall and is a “phoenix” rising from the ashes of the City Council Community Centre that was forced to cease its effectiveness by the financial cuts made over the last few years. The local residents have rallied together and the “new” Community Association is drawing people together again and restoring a sense of “ownership” back in the local area.
E. Comp. Steve Middleditch of Remembrance Chapter proposed the Community Association to the Provincial Chapter Fund so that their idea of helping them “break through” the isolation that the 60 residents of Alcester Gardens are now experiencing since the withdrawal by the City Council of their Warden controlled Centre.
E Comp John Wright – Prov Grand Charity Steward – was pleased to present a cheque to the Chair of the Committee of the Association.

Companions will be aware that at all of our Provincial Chapter Meetings we are supported by a Community First Aid Responder provided by FastAid (Birmingham & Solihull). Established in 2005 this organisation trains volunteers to a nationally recognised medical standard to provide life saving treatment to people in the local community.
Their vehicles are fitted out with full medical facilities to enable them to provide the necessary support until the Ambulance Service arrives. The Deputy Grand Superintendent carried out one of his last duties in presenting a cheque to Stuart Jenkins, Secretary of FastAid (Birmingham and Solihull.