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Chapterof Dudley C252

Regular Convocation 25/01/2023

January 25, 2023

The Cahpter will meet at the James s. Webb Freemasons Centre, Stourbridge on the date shown.

The main items of Labour are to ballot for as Joining members – E Comp's Kenneth Roy Hingley,and Robert Nigel Collins, and Comp Alan Richard Payne.

This will be followed by a Declaration, subject toi any Ballot being called to Declare Elect the Three Principals for the ensuing year:- ‘MEZ’ - E Comp. R Crew; ‘H’ – E Comp M J Pickett; and ‘J’ – Comp K A Serrell and Treasurer E Comp. D. M. Edwards.

Visitors will be very welcome to attend and should contact the Chapter Scribe E.