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Chapter of Dudley C252

726th Convocation Wednesday 27/03/2024

March 27, 2024

The Chapter will hold its 726th Regular Convocation at the James S Webb Freemasonry Centre, Victoria Street,Stourbridge, DY8 1SP on the datye shown.

The main items on the Agenda are:

To read extracts of the minutes of the Regular Meeting from100 years ago held on Tuesday 15th April 1924.

To Declare E Comp R Crew First Principal for the ensuing year.

To Invest Officers not Invested at the Installation meeting in February 2024

To Exalt Bro John Laurence Goudge successfully balloted for on the 25th October 2023

Visiting Companions will be made very welcome to one of the oldest Chapters in the Province. Please contact the Chapter Scribe E.