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Campbell Chapter 

Centenary Celbration Convocation 2018


Campbell Chapter No. 3643 celebrated their Centenary at a Special Convocation held on Thursday 15th November.

Number One Lodge Room at Kings Heath proved to be a very good venue for this very special occasion when some 50+ Companions came together to share this milestone in the Chapters History. On completion of the ceremony upstairs the Companions enjoyed an excellent Festive Board and each received a very impressive book of the history both of the Chapter and of the Royal Arch in Worcestershire, excellently produced by E. Comp. Bill Howarth, PPrGSN, CM.

During his response to his Toast the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E. Comp. Colin P. T. Brown displayed the Collar Jewel that affixes to his Chain which was presented by Lady Campbell to the Province following the death of her Husband, and has been worn by MEGS since that date.

An excellent evening and the Chapter can be very proud of its attainment.
