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Annual Convocation 2021

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Letter from E. Comp. John Michael Phenix, Most Excellent Grand Superintendent

3rd February 2021

To all Companions Worcestershire Province


I trust you are all keeping safe and well.

With the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccination program gathering speed and signs from the Government that plans are being made for the lockdown to be eased, I felt I should update you all about our plans for this year’s Annual Convocation.

As you know plans for our Annual Convocation were already in place for Saturday 17th April. However, it is now apparent that due to current restrictions, and any minor easing of these in due course, will not allow us to meet as we would wish by that date. I have therefore taken the difficult decision to postpone the Annual Convocation until later in the year when we hope that a more “normal” gathering might be possible.

I know that this will be a disappointment to you all, but I am equally sure you will understand and support the decision.

The Appointments and Promotions due to be conferred on 17th April will still be effective from that date and I hope to be able to congratulate you all in person later in the year.

Can I urge everyone to continue to be mindful of those companions who are lonely and distressed in these difficult times and make every effort to support them. A phone call is always appreciated and is the most effective way of maintaining our Chapters’ important networks. This can make a huge difference to those who are isolated from family and friends.

Companions, I am sure that despite the current restrictions we can now see a glimmer of light for the future and I ask that you continue to support your Chapter and your fellow companions. Together we will get through this!

Take care companions and May The True and Living God Most High keep you and your families safe now and in the future.

John M Phenix

Most Excellent Grand Superintendent

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