With some 31 Companions in attendance the Convocation commenced with a moving Eulogy for E. Comp. David Bateman, PPrGSoj delivered by E. Comp. Bob Matthews, PPrGSoj. This was followed by the Installation. How pleasing it was to see all three Principals being installed. Our congratulations go to E. Comp's. W. Cox, MEZ, D. Padmore, H and D. Small, J.
This was a particu;arly poignant meeting for the Province given that it was E.Comp. A John Yeates, PAGSoj, our Provincial Second Principal's last evening as a Presiding Officer. He was therefore somewhat surprised to find that a number of Grand Officers, including the MEGS were in attendance.

It was a very fitting tribute to him for his hard work and dedication having served as both Third and Second Provincial Grand Principal.
At the Festive Board which followed the Charity Appeal raised £102.00 to be donated to the Masonic Fund for Ukraine.