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Avon Chapter C3569

Installation Convocation 26/06/2019


A good turnout of 27 Companions attended the Convocation at Swan Lane, Evesham on Wednesday 26th June. 

The Provincial Team, led by the MEGS, E. Comp. John M Phenix, comprised E. Comp's Tim Jones, our ProvDC, as the Acting 2nd Prov Grand Principal with the Provincial 3rd Grand Principal Barry Griffin not only acting in that capacity but he was also Installed as J within the Chapter.

The Chapter were also pleased to welcome the Visitors from Inglefield Chapter, particularly, Dr. Richard Neale, the Past MEGS from Buckinghamshire, a long term supporter of the Chapter, and two colleagues.. The ProvGSE, Brian Harper also found himself taking part in the Ceremony.

All in all a very enjoyable evening  which also saw the Chapter present a cheque for £300 to the ProvRA Charity Fund.