Due to the the MWS and Second Principal Elect being unable to attend the Installation Convocation in December the Provincial Team visited again to conduct the necessary Installations.
The team was led by the Deputy Grand Superintendent, E. Comp. Mike Cox, PGSwdB, accompanied by E. Comp's Ian Fothergill, PGStB, PrGJ, acting as Second Prov. G. Principal and Keith Evans, PGStB, the Third Provincial Grand Principal ably escorted by E. Comp. Alan Bolton Prov. Deputy DC.
With 4 Provincial Officers of the Year and 3 other Visitors there were some 21 Companions in attendance. This is a small Chapter but cointains many experienced and dedicated Companions who are determined to develop the Chapter moving forward.
This Convocation was treated as a Full Installation, with the Provincial Team conducting and presenting their various parts to their usual high standard.
On completion the assembled company moved to Numbewr Two Dining Room to thaw out, and enjoy a delicious Festive Board where £97+ Gift Aid was collected to be donated to the Provincial Charoty Fund.