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Abbot Lichfield C3308

Installation and Presentation of Centenary Jewels

October 3, 2023

A wonderful meeting took place at the Masonic Centre in Evesham on Thursday 29 September 2023 . Twenty-four Companions witnessed a beautiful Installation Ceremony conducted by the IPZ Tim Wild , the new Z Jason Harper , the new H Stan Brotherton and the new J Milesh Gohill , under the watchful eye of the Chapter DC Mike Hadden. There followed a sumptuous festive board and the opportunity for the Presiding Officer to present two Centenary Jewels to E Comps Mike Hadden and Milesh Gohill . The Chapter is looking forward to two new Companions joining them at their next two meetings starting with the Exaltation of Joshuas father …..make a note in your diary now 23 November 2023