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Abbot Lichfield C3308

Regular Convocation 25/04/2024

April 18, 2024

The next Regular Convocation of the Chapter will be held at Evesham Freemasons Hall, Swan Lane, EVESHAM, WR11 4PD on the date shown.

The main items of Labour are :

a To Invest Officers not present at the Installation:

b To Present a Supreme Grand Chapter Certificate to Comp Mulji Gohil.

c Pursuant to Rule 48(RA) Book of Constitution, and subject to no other Companion being duly qualified and having indicated to the Scribe Ezra that they wish to be considered, and if no Companion present calls for a ballot. The MEZ will declare that the following are duly elected for the ensuing year:

MEZ Ex Comp Stanley Bevan Brotherton, Haggai Ex Comp Michael John Hadden, Joshua Comp Steven John Hllard and as Treasurer Comp Peter Rex Ross

d To receive a presentation and report from Ex Comp Paul Taylor on the proceedings at Provincial Chapter and the Archway for development of the Chapter.

Visiting Companions will be made very welcome. Please contact the Chapter Scribe E.